Lip Balms

Lip balms are a must to have soft and healthy lips. Nourishing lip balms that enhance and protect lips are a must in harsh environments making it a key component in outdoor gear. Fat Cat Apothecary offers All-natural, hydrating, and deeply moisturizing lip balms.

Each balm produced here is hand-poured from well researched recipes to give you not only the best recipes but organic ones as well. We have naturally flavored and non-flavored blends.

Shop our selection of lip balm styles and flavors.

Why use it?

With the changing seasons, you can expect chapped lips at some point, some of us more often than others. Chapped lips can be caused by several factors, some including weather, excessive lip licking and even certain medications.

Chapped lips are a common ailment but good news is you can usually treat dry lips with simple treatments and by implementing preventative measures to avoid it altogether.

What causes chapped lips?

Lips are more susceptible to drying out and becoming chapped due to the fact that lips don't have oil glands like other parts of the skin. Lack of moisture can make the dryness worse, no matter the reason.

People that are outdoors enduring frequent sun exposure or the lack of humidity in the winter time can experience worse conditions of their lips.

Not All Lip Balms Are Equal

Despite the promises of some lip balms, not all of the products out there deliver. Some lip balms can even make chapped lips worse by actually increasing the dryness! Let me explain.

It all comes down to the ingredients used to make the balm. Those made with humectants such as glycerin make lips dryer by pulling any moisture out of the skin.
Here's the thing: Humectant ingredients need to be offset by occlusive ingredients to work their moisturizing magic. Occlusive agents, like beeswax, shea butter, and various oils, create a physical barrier to prevent water loss. Humectants like Alpha-Hydroxy allows moisturizers better skin penetration.