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The Art of Scents

The sense of smell is an integral part of our biology. Your sense of smell is inextricably tied to your mood, thoughts, and memories. Have you ever smelled an aroma and had it bring back a memory? The connection between smells and memory recall is undeniable. Memories float to the surface on hints of these wafts of scent.

Creating a good smell or covering up a bad one are ways that we bring fragrances into our homes or offices. Scientific research has shown evidence that different scents can have unexpected effects other than just smelling pleasant. This is something that has been culturally obvious since ancient times.

Scents can have positive effects on moods, reduction of stress, sleep enhancement, self-confidence, and physical and cognitive performance. Being aware of the way specific odors affect you personally, you may be able to enhance your health and well-being. The capacities for both smell and emotion are rooted in the same network of brain structures. Aromas have different effects on everybody so what one person may personally like, another may wrinkle their noses at it. There are however certain scents that seem to have a communal effect on people and sometimes, even your pets.

The quality of the oils used in the manufacture of the various products is important no matter if you are using candles, melts or any other fragrance delivery method. Stay clear of synthetic oil products and while it is hard to really be sure that you are getting purity or that your supplier is being fully honest, be assured that Fat Cat uses only sustainable and 100% pure oils in each product.

No governmental agency or generally accepted organization "grades" or "certifies" essential oils as "therapeutic grade," "medicinal grade," or "aromatherapy grade" in the U.S. There is no formally approved grading standard used consistently throughout the essential oil industry. This is usually a marketing plan to be able to justify a higher price.

Candles and Accessories

The majority of our candle lines are made using natural soy, beeswax, palm or coconut waxes. While we do use fragrance oils in most of our products, we also offer the choice of fragrance free products. Whereas fragrance oils can be overpowering to some people with sensitivities, essential oils usually won't trigger asthma and can truly have a therapeutic effect without an overbearing aroma. We can accomodate requests for our products tobe made with essential oils.

Our handcrafted unscented natural wax candles are free of synthetics and use hempwicks coated with beeswax for a natural burn. When extinguished there is a pleasant smell and little to no smoke produced making them a cleaner alternative to paraffin based products.

Wax Melts and Accessories

There are many different styles and types of wax warmers available for use. There is no right one, only the one that you like. Wax warmers are becoming a popular way to get the most out of your scented waxes.

If you like to experiment with different and new scents or combinations of scents, a warmer is a great alternative. The use time of a wax melt varies based on its size and structure, as well as the warmer in use. Some may only last a few days for a short period each day, while others can last up to ten hours at a time or, when used daily, over a few weeks.

Soaps and Such

Everyone wants healthy skin. The best resaon to use handmade soaps are the natural ingredients it's made with. "Real" soap is made of natural oils and butters that are rich in vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, ingredients that are essential for healthy skin.

All of our soaps are handmade and use only mother nature's finest ingredients. You won't find the synthetic detergents that are common in commercial soaps, you know the ones.

Pet Synergy

A lot of people have pets and they come in all shapes, sizes and species. Unfortunately, our companions are sometimes overlooked when we are out at the store smelling scentsy goodness and decide to grab that heavenly smelling candle or melt.

For some of our pets, our scented candles or air fresheners - while masking the "stink" - may pose a health risk to them. However, aromatherapy can be as beneficial for some pets as much as it is for people.